Our experience at the FEBS Congress: an exciting opportunity for sharing biochemistry at all levels

We are delighted to share that our participation in the 48th FEBS Congress has been a remarkable experience: on top of the great science shared at the Congress and the possibility to present our results on redox biochemistry in the dedicated Symposia and research poster session, we exploited the new opportunity to present an educational project.

supported the poster session at the 48th FEBS Congress.
We ended up winning the FEBS Open Bio Education poster award! Our project, "Learning protein synthesis via a tabletop card game: ‘The ribosome game’ put to the test from primary school to university courses", was recognized for its innovative approach to education.
This project (https://picnic-games.it/), now in its second year, has been supported by generous funding with the Proof-of-Value scheme by Compagnia di Sanpaolo and University of Turin, Italy, and is set to expand with new ideas in the near future, developed by researchers for citizens. It is coordinated by the Department of Life Sciences and Systems Biology of the University of Turin but supported by numerous departments and local entities.
The card game showcased in our poster has been tested with 2000 participants, ranging in age from 7 to 99 years, yielding extremely significant and promising results. These outcomes highlight the potential of our game to provide an alternative method for teaching biochemistry and to break down the barriers that often exist in STEM education. The game's idea is a race to synthesize in a fixed time (typically 5 minutes) the longest protein with the most bonuses (symbols on some amino acids) by lining up amino acid cards.

Winning this award at the FEBS Congress is a recognition to a large, interdisciplinary and engaged teamwork but also to the impact of creative educational tools in making complex scientific concepts accessible to a broader audience. We are excited about the future developments of ‘The ribosome game’ and the continued support from the FEBS community.
Thank you for this incredible opportunity to share our work and to celebrate educational innovation within the molecular life sciences.
Top image of post: FEBS Open Bio Education poster prize awarded at the 48th FEBS Congress, with (from left) Miguel A. De la Rosa (FEBS Secretary General), Ferhan Sagin (FEBS Education and Training Committee Chair), Francesca Valetti (awardee), and Johannes Buchner (FEBS Publications Committee Chair).
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