Online-Talk Series: "Plan your Career & Boost your Vita" by ÖGMBT-YLSA/FEBS junior sections

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This talk is an activity from the FEBS Junior Section, an initiative set up by students and young researchers from some of the FEBS Constituent Societies. Each month a Junior Section from one of the participant Societies organizes an online event on either a research or a career topic. This December event is the twelfth of their 2022 series and is a career talk organized by ÖGMBT-YLSA, the Junior Section of the Austrian Society ÖGMBT.
Title: "Plan your Career & Boost your Vita"
Speaker: Mag. Christine Hudetz, MA (from LBG Career Center)
Date: 11 May 2023
Time: 19:00–20:00 CEST
Christine Hudetz is a Career Coach, Program & Outreach Manager at the Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft LBG Career Center. At the LBG Career Center, she supports young researchers in achieving their individual career goals – in or outside of academia.
Together with the LBG Career Center team, Christine develops and manages training formats, provides individual guidance as a certified Psychological Coach, and builds bridges between science, business, and other sectors by connecting the relevant communities and stakeholders.
In her talk, she will give insights on finding your career path, input on how to plan your career with concrete steps, and tips on each step. Additionally, four main questions will be covered:
- What is career development, and why is it important?
- How can you find & follow your personal career path?
- Which steps should you keep in mind on the roadmap to your dream job?
- What are the best practices to keep in mind for your CV?
The FEBS Junior Section
Want to join this platform for young European life scientists? Learn more about our initiative, check out the Room for the FEBS Junior Section and – if you do not have a junior section yet – read this post about how to set one up!
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