We are very pleased to announce that the special session "PIs of Tomorrow - The Future of Swiss Research" will be held at the Annual Meeting 2021 of Life Sciences Switzerland (LS2). The LS2 Annual Meeting 2021 meeting has the topic "Mechanisms in Health, Disease and Ageing", and will be held during three afternoons on February 17, 18 and 19, 2021 on an ONLINE format.
This session offers an opportunity for postdocs and senior researchers interested in pursuing an academic career to present a talk similar in format to a professorship application interview. A jury panel of professors will evaluate the presentations and provide feedback in a one-on-one session afterward. Only applicants with ties to Switzerland will be considered. As in 2019 and in 2020, the edition 2021 will be again a plenary session.
To download the open call and the instructions "how to apply", please visit the relevant meeting webpage here: https://annual-meeting.ls2.ch/specials/pis-of-tomorrow. We aim to promote equal opportunities and encourage female scientists to apply.
Application deadline is November 1, 2020 (23:59, CET). We are looking forward to receiving your applications.
The PIs of Tomorrow chairs: Dr. Shalu Jhanwar, Dr. Eleonora Porcu, Dr. Myra Chavez-Rosas, Dr. Mehdi Badaoui
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