Learn about preprints and online review with ASAPbio

ASAPbio is an organization promoting preprints and online review. They are driven by scientists and are non-profit, and their vision is "a life sciences communication ecosystem where all papers and other outputs are shared rapidly and without restrictions on access or reuse, and open and constructive exchanges take place on research products at all stages".
To help early career researchers (ECR) understand the preprints and online reviewing landscape, they have a series of interesting webinars. We have spotted the ones below coming up soon.
‘How to peer review’ workshops for the Preprint Reviewer Recruitment Network. 22 September and 1 November. 6PM CEST
"ASAPbio’s Preprint Reviewer Recruitment Network aims to help researchers, especially ECRs, break into reviewing or editing roles by sharing their comments and reviews of preprints as examples of their work." Read more
The impact of preprints for early career researchers. 6 October 2021. 6PM CEST
"The use of preprints is growing in the life sciences. Preprints help researchers worldwide to accelerate dissemination of research findings to the scientific community, but how exactly can preprints be a vehicle for career advancement?" Read more
ASAPbio also have a course to learn how preprints fit within the publication life cycle, that you could propose to your department or team. As far as we can see, all resources are free and freely accessible.
Introducing Preprints and Publishing in the Life and Biomedical Sciences: a course on preprints and the journal publication process
"...we wanted to help raise awareness of preprints and support the training of early-career researchers by detailing how a manuscript goes from being written by the scientist to published at a journal, and how preprinting is integrated into this process to improve scientific communication." Read more
If you attend the webinars or run the course, let us know in the comments of this post if you found them useful, to inform other Junior Section members. Thank you!
PS, if you are interested in online review, of preprints and journal publications, you could also explore Sciety, though they are broader in content than the molecular life sciences.
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If you missed the online talk on 'The impact of preprints for early career researchers', on 6 October 2021, you can watch the recording on the ASAPbio website and/or read a summary blog post: