The IUBMB is excited to provide Tang Education Fellowships aimed at enhancing biochemistry and molecular biology education around the globe. They provide up to $4,000 for an educator to travel to another institution for up to two months, either to bring expertise or to learn. Specifically, funds can be used 1] by universities/institutes to host an experienced biochemistry and molecular biology educator to visit their institution or 2] by educators to visit institutions to learn/develop education practices and methodologies for a specific educational outcome. These fellowships aim to increase biochemistry and molecular biology around the world by
- increasing expertise and capability in biochemistry and molecular biology education
- supporting engaged educators
- promoting change/innovation in approaches to education
- improving student learning experiences, outcomes, and engagement with biochemistry and molecular biology
- building an evidence base on which to make future recommendations on biochemistry and molecular biology education
- supporting biochemistry and molecular biology education in developing countries.
The next deadline is October 1, 2020.
For application forms to download and for submission information, visit the IUBMB website at: https://iubmb.org/guidelines-statutes/guidelines/tang-education-fellowships/
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