HDBMB Junior Section – An overview

When was HDBMB JS established?
The HDBMB Junior Section has been officially established in March 2020, but the idea was born before the COVID pandemic.
How many members do you have?
The Croatian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (HDBMB) has more than 600 members, many of whom are young scientists. A lot of them participate in the HDBMB Junior Section activities.
Do you have a specific structure?
The HDBMB JS is a part HDBMB and has members across Croatia. Board members are young scientists from different regions and cities in Croatia. Our members are involved in different research areas bringing the diversity to the HDBMB JS. The HDBMB JS Board members coordinate various activities and share responsibilities in organising these events. A coordinator, who is a member of the HDBMB Executive Board (EB) oversees our activities and facilitates the communication with the HDBMB EB.
What activities do you do?
There are a couple of activities that we carry out during the year. In collaboration with Young researchers of the Croatian Society for Natural Sciences (HPD) we organize Costume ball and Scientific barbecue. During these social events young molecular life scientists from different fields can get to know each other better in an informal and relaxing atmosphere. Furthermore, several times during the year we organize HDBMB Pub Quiz so the participants can test their knowledge not only in science but in various topics, as well. Our plans also involve organising so-called Scientific after work, an event for PhD students and postdocs, where they will be able to present their research in a cozy and supportive atmosphere. Moreover, we are involved in disseminating scientific information through the HDBMB social networks. We strongly believe in importance of making science widely available, not only to the younger generations, but also to a general public, which should be better informed about scientific achievements and discoveries. We also actively use social media for sharing posts about different scientific events related to the molecular life sciences, scholarships and grants, paying special attention to the promotion of the FEBS activities related to young scientists, particularly FEBS Junior Section activities, as well as HDBMB JS programmes and initiatives.
How does it fit into HDBMB?
All our actions are in line with the activities of HDBMB. Our Society recognizes needs of young scientists and in different ways provide them with various programmes that facilitate career development, scientific growth and networking. Thus, for example, every year HDBMB awards best young scientist(s) for their scientific achievements, offers bursaries for attendance at the national and FEBS congress, and organises educational and training workshops. Therefore, we try to promote and contribute to these activities by disseminating information and encouraging young colleagues to take advantages of these opportunities. During the last HDBMB Congress held in September 2022, JS actively participated in organisation of the evening social event. Participation in such activities promote JS, and in parallel provide us with the opportunity to develop our organisational and communication skills.
Do you have a budget?
The HDBMB JS doesn’t have a defined annual budget, but upon request our coordinator, in agreement with the HDBMB Executive Board, approves certain budget for the JS activities.
How do you recruit more members?
We recruit new members through HDBMB social networks and by sharing news through the intranets of our institutes and faculties where most of us work. Furthermore, at our social events we try to attract young molecular life scientists by presenting the HDBMB activities and opportunities that our society, but also FEBS and IUBMB offer them.
What do you think motivates students and young researchers to volunteer for HDBMB JS?
Primarily, connecting with the scientific community. For young scientists, it is easier to fit into it and become more familiar with its functioning through communication with his/her young colleagues. That “break free” step facilitates networking, not only with younger colleagues but helps in further contacts and collaboration with senior scientists. Being involved in the HDBMB JS gives a great opportunity to meet other young scientists from different research groups and interests, exchange knowledge and experience, discuss both scientific and other topics of interests, establish collaboration, plus enjoy our social events. Therefore, we are welcoming every young and prospective scientist that can contribute to our initiative.
What are the HDBMB JS aims for the FEBS Junior Section?
We aim to promote molecular life sciences with a positive outlook for the future, to build a strong and wide network, share positive and negative experiences with others, strengthen the confidence of young scientists and help them to develop their careers, and encourage them to be actively involved in the scientific community, in the project applications and collaborations, all in synergy with other junior sections that are members of the FEBS Junior Section.
Creating a new Junior Section?
If you are interested in creating a new Junior Section in your Society, or consolidate an existing one, we encourage you to read the posts and watch the videos from the other Junior Sections (Junior-GBM, ÖGMBT’s Young Life Scientists Austria (YLSA), SIB Sezione Giovani, Young NVBMB, SEBBM Junior Consuls, and the Biochemical Society’s Early Career Advisory Panel). And if your Society already has a Junior Section, please get in touch!
Help us spread the word about the FEBS Junior Section initiative by sharing our post on Junior Sections and overview video in your country and research community. Thank you!
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