European health and biomedical funding programmes

Applying for European funding can feel daunting but there is help out there. We flag up some useful resources where you to find out more if you are thinking of developing a proposal or collaboration.
European health and biomedical funding programmes

Horizon Europe (HE) has many funding opportunities for health-related activities, from research and innovation, to training, collaborations, and developing public health policy. And HE is not the only European Union (EU) funding programme that can support biomedical work.

EU4Health, the EU’s response to COVID-19, has opportunities focused on fostering health, tackling cross-border health threats, improving medical products, and strengthening healthcare systems. The Programme for Environment and Climate Action (LIFE) provides many opportunities for the life sciences and this year the Euratom Work Programme directly supports the priorities of the EU’s Beating Cancer Action Plan. There are also calls on how supercomputing and artificial intelligence can support health in the Digital Europe Programme and, of course, ERASMUS+, COST and EMBO continue to support researchers’ training, development and collaborations.

Navigating these opportunities can be a challenge but there are good sources of information available (e.g., National Contact Points for Horizon Europe). The BioMedical Alliance in Europe newsletter recently flagged the superb European Research Funding section of the website of the European Society of Endocrinology. They have a section (Your Funding Journey) that describes the steps you should consider when thinking of applying, and offers a helpful table listing potential calls for both early career and advanced researchers. They have also a section on relevant funding programmes and a table of upcoming calls (many with deadlines in September 2021). We thank both organizations for this useful information resource!

For information on how to apply to Horizon Europe, visit the European Commission website.

Photo by Tabrez Syed on Unsplash 

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