BioChemVisions: Exploring Science through Everyday Signs

The contest was open to 9th–12th-grade students from high schools in Kaunas city and Kaunas district. Invitations to participate in the contest "BioChemVisions: Exploring Science through Everyday Signs" were sent personally to all gymnasiums in Kaunas city and Kaunas district. Additionally, competition announcements were posted on the notice boards of the gymnasiums and sent to official gymnasium forums and/or official Facebook groups.
The purpose of the contest was to encourage students to take an interest in biochemistry and natural sciences, express their creativity, and visualize scientific ideas. It aimed to inspire curiosity, creativity, and the ability to observe the world around them.
On 19 November, a science lecture was held to conclude the contest. During the event, organizers and participants met in person to celebrate the students' creative works, discuss about biochemistry, and to become familiar with the Lithuanian Biochemical Society (LBD) and the Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS). The young authors were awarded during the event.

The contest had two categories: photography and artwork (drawing). Participants had to create short description (up to 500 characters) for their visual works, explaining the idea behind them. The works were evaluated based on two main criteria: the visual implementation of the theme and the originality of the visualization description. In both categories, awards were given for originality, creativity, aesthetics, and depth of scientific thought. Selected 20 participants received gifts, prizes, diplomas, and certificates of appreciation from the main sponsor, FEBS, as well as from other sponsors, UAB Grida and UAB Linea Libera. Two students from each of the two categories (four students in total) received special awards for the best works reflecting the BioChemVisions theme, sponsored by FEBS. The scientific lecture was supported by the Lithuanian Biochemical Society.

All images by the Lithuanian Biochemical Society.
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