The Education Section of FEBS Open Bio was announced on the 3rd of April, 2017. Matching this anniversary, we would like to highlight here the most recent contributions published in this section. You may reach all the other articles in the virtual issue for education.
Animal experimentation in transgenesis: evaluating course design in large classrooms
by Jean-François Bodart and Aurélie Dupré (Univ. Lille, CNRS, France)
Students tell us what good written feedback looks like
by Susanne Voelkel, Tunde Varga-Atkins and Luciane V. Mello (Univ. Liverpool, UK)
A new academic performance indicator for the first term of first-year science degrees students at La Laguna University: a predictive model
by Roberto Dorta-Guerra, Isabel Marrero, Beatriz Abdul-Jalbar, Rodrigo Trujillo-González and Néstor V. Torres (Univ. La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain)
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