Resources for Online Teaching: Protein Structure

Proteopedia offers instructors a way to prepare tutorials for the students, but also tools for students to work on their own projects, in a remote and shareable way.
Resources for Online Teaching: Protein Structure

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Proteopedia has a few flavours of ready-to-use support for teaching structures and we'll be happy helping you getting started on [email protected]

Individual students working on their projects and sharing them

One option is to assign a Sandbox page to each student. Sandboxes are pages intended for learning and practicing. Later on, if the teacher and students are happy, Sandbox pages can be published as regular Proteopedia pages, maintaining the ownership of those authoring the page. Sandboxes are constantly being used on several courses at Universities on different countries.

Here an example of a Sandbox page students are working on

You can get a reserved block of Sandbox pages for your course at

Student groups collaborating in a project

However, if you want to assign different pages to small groups of students, the choice are Studios. A teacher divides the class in smaller groups. Each group gets their own 'Study' to work on a project, a protein, ligand or function. Students from one group can't browse the work of others, allowing for the teacher to assign the same topic to the whole class and still being able to evaluate the individual work of a reduced group. The teacher and one or more designed tutors may access the material inside individual Studies.  More info on Studio available at

Please let us know how can we help on your remote teaching ([email protected])

Poster image: captured from CC-BY-SA 3.0 License

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Go to the profile of Angel Herráez
over 4 years ago

Thanks, Jaime, for this summary.

Most visitors of Proteopedia tend to think it is something to be used as visitors, to share suitable pages with their students or to use it as a visual support during class. A few will realise they can author their own pages, but it is also very important to highlight this view of a way to get students engaged by making their own materials as a learning activity, and be proud of showing their work to their teachers, peers, and friends or family too.

Additionally, we are always trying to convey the idea that studying biomolecules needs the use of 3D structures, which is not yet so common practice. Proteopedia is, of course, an excellent tool to do this without too much effort.

In these difficult moments, many people are in need of finding out resources for running distance learning activities. FEBS Education Committee welcomes this kind of posts, Thanks!