Biochemical Society Awards 2020

Nominations have opened for the Biochemical Society's 2020 Awards. These awards recognize established researchers as well as scientists in the early stages of their career.
Nominations are invited from across the UK and overseas until the deadline of Thursday 31 January 2019. The Society would like to encourage nominations that reflect the diversity of the bioscience community.
Now in their 58th year, the Society will present 12 awards in 2020, recognizing excellence and achievement in both specific and general fields of science.
A brief indication of the awards is given below. Click on the award names to reach the full descriptions on the Biochemical Society website.
Centenary Award
Awarded annually to a biochemist of distinction from any part of the world.
Colworth Medal
Awarded for outstanding research in the UK or Republic of Ireland by a biochemist of any nationality who is within 10 years of PhD completion.
Early Career Research Awards
Recognizing the impact of research carried out in the molecular biosciences by scientists who have no more than six years of postdoctoral research experience.
GlaxoSmithKline Award
Recognizing research in the UK or the Republic of Ireland leading to new advances in medical science by a biochemist within 20 years of PhD completion.
Heatley Medal and Prize
For exceptional work in applying advances in biochemistry, and especially for developing practical uses that have created widespread benefits and value for society.
Industry and Academic Collaboration Award
Awarded for an inspirational contribution to the biosciences and to industry–academia interactions.
International Award
Recognizing distinguished and independent interdisciplinary research in the molecular biosciences conducted outside of the UK and Ireland by a scientist of any nationality.
Keilin Memorial Lecture
An award lecture in bioenergetics, electron transfer and mitochondrial biology.
Morton Lecture
An award lecture for an outstanding contribution to lipid biochemistry.
Teaching Excellence Award
Recognizing excellence and commitment to teaching and learning in biochemistry.
Thudichum Medal Lecture
Honouring eminent scientists who have made outstanding contributions to neurochemistry and related subjects.
More information on how to nominate can be found on the Biochemical Society website here.
The results will be announced in April 2019.
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