FEBS-ECM 2018: Registration-Applications are now open

Applications and Registrations are now open. For venue and travel info, deadlines, available fellowships, prizes, up to date confirmed speakers and program planning, please visit https://extracellularmatrix.febsevents.org
There are several options for selected talks and flash presentations. As with the previous FEBS-MPST courses (http://www.febs-mpst2017.upatras.gr/), there is ample time for poster presentations, panel discussions and meet the experts.
Several FEBS Youth Travel Fund awards, poster prizes from FEBS Journal and FEBS Letters, grants from the International Society of Matrix Biology, & Young Investigator Awards are available.
Tour excursions, social events are also planned.
We will be happy to welcome you in Patras for a memorable scientific meeting at this particular time of the year.
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