Extracellular Matrix: Cell Regulation, Epigenetics and Modeling

Extracellular Matrix (ECM) is a dynamic network of macromolecules essential for structural support, cell migration, adhesion and signaling. Upon interactions in the extracellular space, these macromolecules affect the ECM dynamics and via cell receptors communicate with the cellular compartment. Emerging areas of research in the ECM field include epigenetic regulation of matrix macromolecules, microRNAs, stem cell biology, as well as the development of novel molecular modeling methodologies. Knowledge of these aspects will deepen our understanding of ECM regulatory roles in pathophysiology and inform the design of new pharmacological agents targeting serious diseases including, among others, cancer, angiogenesis, fibrosis, immunity and infectious diseases.
Extracellular Matrix: Cell Regulation, Epigenetics and Modeling

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Extracellular Matrix: Cell Regulation, Epigenetics and Modeling

FEBS Advanced Lecture Course, 27 September – 2 October, 2018, Patras, Greece

This FEBS Advanced Lecture Course addresses issues related to matrix-mediated cell signaling and regulation, as well as the structure/function/dynamics of the matrix macromolecular effectors, namely proteoglycans and glycans, integrins, novel collagen types, matrikines, growth factors and matrix metalloproteinases and other matrix degrading enzymes that affect the cell behavior, will be the target of this ALC. Furthermore, epigenetic control of gene expression in extracellular matrix proteins is an important emerging aspect of disease onset. These topics are of great importance to understand the maintenance of normal tissue homeostasis and disease initiation and development, signaling elicited by interactions of cell surface receptors with matrix components and growth factors, as well as to establish rapid and sensitive structure analysis and cell imaging methods.

Main topics to be covered are related to ongoing development in the fields of:

Cell surface, interactions and signaling, Matrix-remodeling enzymes, Matrix organization and assembly, Epigenetics, Novel insights in molecular modeling of ECM components

The above fields will focus also on bioinformatics, glycomics, matrix-mediated epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT), and domain mapping of interactions with matrix effectors and their importance for disease treatment and diagnosis. Key areas of cancer stem cell biology and biomarkers, and pharmacological targeting in malignancies are also included.

Following the very successful set-up of FEBS-MPST series since 2007 (http://www.febs-mpst2017.upatras.gr/), a young scientists’ committee will organize general lectures/tutorials in the first days of the meeting as well as pubquiz during the entire course providing in this way the necessary brainstorming for those entering the field of Extracellular Matrix Pathobiology. A career development session to promote the motivation of students including general presentations/tutorials will be also organized by the young scientists’ committee.

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