Words of advice - how to build a well-rounded CV and get hired after your PhD

Embarking on a PhD provides many opportunities for personal and professional development beyond scientific research. This instalment of the Words of Advice series aims to provide guidance and tips on harnessing these resources to build a well‐rounded CV and increase your chances of getting hired after your PhD. We provide two perspectives on developing your CV to optimise career opportunities in academia and beyond. The first perspective is by Dr Zheng‐Shan Chong, a post‐doctoral researcher in Singapore, and focuses on the acquisition of a wide range of skills and experience that could open doors to a career outside of academia. Beyond her day job, Shan manages an article series on bioentrepreneurship and career development for Biotech Connection Singapore, which has allowed her to speak to several researchers who have successfully transitioned to non‐research roles. Here, she summarises the insights gained from these conversations.
This is followed by advice and tips from Dr Sara Clohisey, a post‐doctoral researcher in Edinburgh who changed fields after her PhD, from Drosophila cell biology to human genetics and virology. Although not quite as dramatic as leaving academia completely, this shift prompted her to rethink her approach to writing an academic CV so that it would appeal to an employer from a different field. Sara’s perspective is particularly geared towards careers in research. We hope that these unique perspectives from experienced individuals who have successfully navigated the path from graduate student to working scientist will prove useful to those who are planning their next moves after completing a PhD.
Find the link to this Word's of Advice Article here: https://febs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/febs.15635
Interested in seeing more of the Word's of Advice series? Find more here: https://febs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/toc/10.1111/(ISSN)1742-4658.WordsofAdvice
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