Upcoming FEBS Open Bio Webinar: Gangliosides and their Involvement in Diseases

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To tie in with our recent special issue on the involvement of glycosphingolipids in diseases, FEBS Open Bio is holding a free webinar entitled "Gangliosides and their Involvement in Diseases Associated with Membranes with Incorrect Organization" on 21st February at 16:00 CET (15:00 GMT) for 45 minutes. Professor Sandro Sonnino (University of Milan) will discuss the involvement of gangliosides in pathologies associated with incorrectly organised membranes. For many years, glycosphingolipids were considered structural components of our membranes, but it subsequently became clear that glycosphingolipids, and particularly gangliosides, are necessary for the activity of membrane receptors and membrane enzymes. Gangliosides work as a starting switch for the transduction of information through the plasma membrane or for the initiation of functional processes and are associated with several pathologies.
We invite all researchers to attend what promises to be a fascinating webinar. Questions can be during the webinar, and we also invite attendees to send questions to the speakers in advance by sending them by email to [email protected]
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