GBM Compact: Focus on Imaging

Registration is open for the 2024 GBM Compact: Focus on Imaging conference.
This 24 hour event will take place from 26 to 27 September, in Frankfurt/Main, Germany, and will explore cutting edge technological advances in super-resolution light microscopy and electron microscopy, including cryo-electron microscopy and cryo-electron tomography, combined with examples of breakthrough discoveries made possible by these technologies.
Two workshops will cover basic and advanced issues for the successful application of imaging techniques, such as optimal sample preparation, labeling strategies, image analysis and data management.
Short talks and poster flash talks will be selected from abstracts, and there will be a poster session. A meeting of the Junior GBM will be held as a satellite event.
Vist the GBM Compact website for the program, abstract submission steps, travel grants, and registration and more.
26–27 September 2024. Check the program for start and ending times.
University Hospital Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
- Konstanze Winklhofer /Bochum [DE]
- Johannes Herrmann /Kaiserslautern [DE]
- Stefan Jakobs /Göttingen [DE]
- Christian Münch /Frankfurt [DE]
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