Funding opportunities under Horizon Europe Health Cluster

Information on funding opportunities under the Cluster 1 Health is now available from its work programme and from recorded dedicated information events.
Funding opportunities under Horizon Europe Health Cluster

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The European Commission has published the Work Programme 2021-2022 for the Cluster 1, Health, of the Pillar 2 of Horizon Europe, as well as a series of videos describing the 6 destinations (expected impacts) of the Health Cluster, as part of their Horizon Europe Info Days. You can watch the videos for each of the destinations following the links listed below.

The Health Cluster has a budget of 8.25 billion euros over the 7 year period of Horizon Europe. The open calls for proposals have a deadline of the 21st September 2021.

An overview of Cluster 1 Health and crosscutting issues. Horizon Europe Info Days 2021 | Cluster 1 | Welcome

Destination 1: Staying healthy in a rapidly changing society. Horizon Europe Info Days 2021 | Cluster 1 | Destination 1

Destination 2: Living and working in a health-promoting environment. Horizon Europe Info Days 2021 | Cluster 1 | Destination 2

Destination 3: Tackling diseases and reducing disease burden. Horizon Europe Info Days 2021 | Cluster 1 | Destination 3

Destination 4: Ensuring access to innovative, sustainable and high-quality health care. Horizon Europe Info Days 2021 | Cluster 1 | Destination 4

Destination 5: Unlocking the full potential of new tools, technologies and digital solutions for a healthy society. Horizon Europe Info Days 2021 | Cluster 1 | Destination 5

Destination 6: Maintaining an innovative, sustainable and globally competitive health-related industry. Horizon Europe Info Days 2021 | Cluster 1 | Destination 6

Essential information for clinical studies in Horizon Europe. Horizon Europe Info Days 2021 | Cluster 1 | Clinical Studies

You can also watch a recording of the  CLUSTER Health - Horizon Europe Brokerage Event (access the relevant section of the video from each agenda item), co-organized by Bridge2HE with National Contact Points.

The Horizon Europe Info Days event also have recordings on other Pillar 2 Clusters, as well as on what is new with the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, on research infrastructures including the European Open Science Cloud, on widening participation and strengthening the ERA, and on Euratom.

For questions and support when applying for Horizon Europe opportunities, and to locate partners for collaborative projects, please refer to the network of National Contact Points (NCPs). The calls are available from the Funding & Tenders Portal.

Photo by Christian Lue on Unsplash

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