We are pleased to announce that the four FEBS Press journals – The FEBS Journal, FEBS Letters, Molecular Oncology and FEBS Open Bio – have now joined Review Commons, a preprint peer review platform which offers authors a peer review service ahead of submitting the paper to a journal.
In a dedicated press release, Review Commons mentions that FEBS is among three organizations (FEBS, the Genetics Society of America and the Royal Society) whose journals are joining the platform, bringing the number of affiliated journals to 27.
Peer review is at the heart of the editorial process for all the FEBS Press journals. Constructive comment by experts in the field can help authors refine their results and increase the significance of their findings, while also ensuring the quality of a journal’s content. But, with ever increasing numbers of research articles that bounce from journal to journal before finding a home, reviewers are on high demand. A paper goes through a new round of peer review by a different set of experts every time it is submitted to a new journal, consuming the authors’ patience and teasing their frustration.
At FEBS Press, we are making every effort to improve author experience by making the best use of peer review, while also expediting the publishing process. We recognise that good peer reviews are a valuable resource that must not be wasted. By affiliating to Review Commons, we aim to improve authors' experience with a fast, smooth, and stress-free peer review procedure.
Submissions to Review Commons are sent out for peer review and authors are provided with a Refereed Preprint (in biorXiv), which includes the authors’ manuscript, reports from a single round of peer review and the authors’ response. From the Review Commons platform, authors can then choose to submit their paper together with the reviews to one of over 20 affiliated journals. If the first journal rejects the paper, it can then be transferred to up to three other affiliated journals, in turn. This service shortens the time for editorial decisions, reduces serial re-review and expedites publication.
We are pleased to be part of this initiative to preserve the value of peer reviews and offer authors a streamlined route to publication of their work.
Read the full EMBO press release, including the list of all affiliated journals and more information on Review Commons, on the EMBO website here.
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