Jim's View

Never take advice from an old scientist
Jim's View

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Some of FEBS Letters’ aficionados will remember the popular column entitled “Jeff’s View” authored by the late Gottfried Schatz. It was a series of witty and thought-provoking reflections published between 2002 and 2005, which immediately became a great hit among our readers.

It is along these lines, and in the same spirit, that we invited our good friend James Rothman, Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2013 and Sterling Professor and Chair of the Department of Cell Biology at Yale University, to contribute some of his provocative and inspiring thoughts to the Scientists’ Forum of FEBS Letters. We present here the first of “Jim’s Views”, especially dedicated to early career scientists, but a fun read for scientists at all levels. As often happens with great minds, experience brings wisdom, intermingles with wit, and turns into a powerful potion. Jim Rothman is no exception!

Discover why science is an art in Jim’s view, or how formulating a scientific hypothesis is analogous to baseball. Find consolation in the “TAGFY (Troubles Are Good For You) Philosophy”, and follow the advice of the day: “If you are hitting your head over and over again against the same brick wall, then you should find a new brick wall”!

We invite you all to enjoy Jim’s View at the following link, and keep a look out for future additions to this column. 

Jim's View: “Some Thoughts for Young Scientists”

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