The 45º Congress will celebrate the 60th anniversary of the SEBBM

The Spanish Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SEBBM, or Sociedad Española de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular) is the main scientific association that coordinates the activities related to Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in Spain. It has more than 3500 members and the webpage of the SEBBM has been recently updated to facilitate the communication between the members of the society.
SEBBM was founded in 1963, therefore in 2023 we will celebrate 60 years of the foundation of SEBBM. This celebration will take place at the 45th Congress of the SEBBM in the beautiful city of Zaragoza.
The 45th Congress will feature many great conferences, starting on the 5 September with Prof. Dame Caroline Dean from the John Innes Centre (UK), and with the presence of Dr. Alexander Pritzel from DeepMind for the closing ceremony.
As in previous meetings, during the Congress we will enjoy different plenary conferences, such as from Prof. Antonio Vidal-Puig (UK), Prof. Peter Rehling (Germany), Dr. Vicente A. Torres (Chile) and Dra. Ángeles Zorreguieta (Argentina). Symposiums will cover the last research findings and will showcase the collaboration of the Network of Associations of Spanish Researchers and Scientist Abroad (Red de Asociaciones de Investigadores y Científicos Españoles en el Exterior, RAICEX). Furthermore, meetings of the scientific groups of SEBBM, poster sessions, and exhibitions of collaborating companies will also take place during the Congress.
We will also enjoy different new satellite activities such as the Course of Initiation in Research in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, a Peer Mentoring and Mentee meeting, an professional development Forum, a panel discussion on Artificial Intelligence (AI), and many different 'Biochemistry the city' outreach activities, including the exhibitions “Las moléculas que comemos” (The molecules we eat) and “Revista SEBBM: un observatorio de la actividad y política científicas en España (1963-2023)” (SEBBM Magazine: an observatory of the scientific activity and policy in Spain (1963-2023)) to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the SEBBM.
We welcome all of you to the 45th Congress of the SEBBM in Zaragoza to celebrate 60 years of our Society!
Photo by Pedro Sanz on Unsplash
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