Souid Soumaya

PhD student, Institute pasteur Tunisia

Research Interest

Animal Model Apoptosis Autophagy Cancer Cell Cycle Cell Migration Cell Proliferation Cell Signalling Chemical Biology Computational Biology Drug Design Pharmacology and Toxicology Signal Transduction

FEBS Constituent Society

Austria (OGMBT) Belgium (BMB) Croatia (HDBMB) Denmark (DSBMB) Germany (GBM) Greece (HSBMB) Israel (ISBMB) Italy (SIB) Norway (NBS) Poland (PTBioch) Portugal (SPB) Romania (RSBMB) Slovenia (SBD) Spain (SEBBM) Sweden (SFBBM) Switzerland (LS2) The Netherlands (NVBMB) Türkiye (TBS) UK (Biochemical Society)

Other Expertise/Interests

Grant writing Science industry Scientific administration Scientific communication Scientific entrepreneurship Scientific event organization Scientific policy