
This is a follow-up room of the Danube Conference on Epigenetics, which was supported in 2018 in the FEBS Advanced Courses Program.

As we had quite a lot of interaction and announcements at the meeting about next conferences, job openings, etc, we were considering to keep these announcements and interactions in a virtual room provided by FEBS. Later it might develop into a space for discussion on epigenetics and transcription research, for example with protocols, preprints, figures, posters or other relevant data.

This space on the FEBS Network is an ‘open room’, meaning that all who visit the FEBS Network can view content. All participants at the 2018 Danube Conference are being invited to contribute to the room. Please first register on the site. Then, if you don’t see your name appearing in the room list here within a couple of days, please email [email protected] to request that. Adding a photo will help others recognize you. We invite you to share your important announcements as a start. 

To stay up to date with activity in the room, you can set up a digest email from the FEBS Network platform, at a frequency that suits you, that covers new content and conversations in this room. More details can be found in the post here.

Looking forward to continue the interactions! 

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