SEBBM European Researchers' Night workshops

SEBBM has made available English translations of the three workshops delivered online for its European Researchers' Night celebrations in 2020.
SEBBM European Researchers' Night workshops

On the evening of 27 November 2020 the Spanish Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SEBBM) celebrated the European Researchers’ Night with an online event. The event had been delayed from its usual last Friday of September, and planned online, to accommodate ongoing COVID-19 restrictions.

Under the title of “How to eat healthily:  biochemical properties of plant-based foods", an engaging lecture given by Dr José Miguel Mulet from the Universidad de Valencia-CSIC was followed by three workshops, delivered by young members of SEBBM.

SEBBM has added English subtitles to the recordings of the three workshops and has made them available to encourage and support science communication activities among visitors to the FEBS Network Outreach Room.

Video screengrab of a SEBBM DNA extraction workshop

DNA extraction workshop – SEBBM European Researchers Night 2020A short workshop showing how to extract DNA from tomatoes.

Video screengrab of a SEBBM Lombard cabbage pH indicator workshop

Lombard cabbage pH workshop – SEBBM European Researchers Night 2020A workshop showing how to use the extract from a Lombard cabbage as a pH indicator.

Video screengrab of a SEBBM chocolate workshop

Chocolate crystals workshop – SEBBM European Researchers Night 2020A longer workshop showing how chocolate is made and how different ingredients can impact on its texture and flavour.

You can register to take part in SEBBM’s online celebrations for the European Researchers’ Night in 2021, or you can check whether your country is hosting an event on 24 September 2021.

The European Researchers’ Night in Madrid is supported by a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action awarded as part of the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme. DG-EAC. Grant agreement number 953.820.

Images credit: SEBBM

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