FEBS Junior Section present Laszlo Dobson

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This talk is an activity from the FEBS Junior Section, an initiative set up by students and young researchers from some of the FEBS Constituent Societies. Each month members of the FEBS Junior Section organize an online event on either a research or a career topic. This talk was coordinated by the HBS Junior, the junior section of the Hungarian Biochemical Society (MBKE).
Speaker: Dr László Dobson, from the HUN-REN Research Centre for Natural Sciences, Hungary
Topic: “Insights into pathogen sorting systems with the combination of structural modelling and deep learning”
Time: 11 April 2024, 19:00 CET
For more information: See the biosketch below and visit Dr László Dobson page at HUN-REN.
László Dobson studied Info-bionics engineering at Pazmany Peter Catholic University in Budapest, then obtained a PhD in Biology from Eotvos Lorand University in 2018. During this period he also worked at the Institute of Enzymology. After his PhD he won EMBO and Marie Curie Fellowships and worked at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory. In 2023 he received Hungarian Scientific Research Funding and he returned to Hungary to work at the Research Centre of Natural Sciences. Laszlo Dobson achieved success with various transmembrane protein related web resources. In the past years his research focus shifted towards the investigation of pathogens and protein-protein interactions.
The FEBS Junior Section
Want to join this platform for young European life scientists? Learn more about our initiative, check out the Room for the FEBS Junior Section and – if you do not have a junior section yet – read this post about how to set one up!
Photo by Martin Martz on Unsplash
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